300: Plat du Jour – French Dinners Made Easy w/Susan Herrmann Loomis
France, food, seasonally fresh produce.
American expat cookbook author Susan Herrmann Loomis has just released a new cookbook and it is good. Deliciously good.
Plat du Jour: French Dinners Made Easy was just released on January 12th, and I excitedly welcomed it into my cookbook library.
Today, Susan returned to join me on the podcast to talk about her new cookbook.
Sharing the inspiration for the book, the history of the phrase Plat du Jour, recipes to enjoy during the middle of winter, much more along with another Petit Plaisir that will remind us all how powerfully delicious waiting for something delicious can be.
Be sure to tune in to the audio version wherever you enjoy listening to podcasts, and below you will find links mentioned during our conversation.
A tremendous thank you to Susan for joining me from Paris and whetting our appetites for delicious French food.
- Learn more about her new cookbook: Plat du Jour: French Dinners Made Easy
- Check out Susan’s new YouTube channel – Dancing Tomatoes here.
- Check out her new website for Dancing Tomatoes
- View my previous conversations with Susan:
- episode #192: Susan Herrmann Loomis Talks France, Food and Julia Child (this is the episode in which she shares her Petit Plaisir – the blue hour)
- Learn more (and see many pictures) of my two opportunities to join her cooking classes:
The first recipe tried and enjoyed from Susan’s cookbook – Curly Endive Salad with Hot Bacon and Goat Cheese (I substituted escarole for the endive). So good!
~The Simple Sophisticate, episode #300
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